May 1, 2011

Lacklustre response from Bishops

It has been one month since our letter was mailed out to Ontario's 22 bishops. We had hoped that at least half of them would have responded to our concerns, or at the very least acknowledged receipt of our letter. Unfortunately the response has been underwhelming with only two bishops acknowledging receipt of our letter and neither one of them addressing the issues raised by our correspondence.

Since our letter was sent out, two separate news reports, here and here, have confirmed our concerns about the Equity strategy and the consequences of its implementation in our schools. We've also been discouraged to hear about the bishops themselves encouraging the creation of clubs that exist to specifically address bullying related to sexual orientation. They will be establishing a common framework for these clubs in the coming months.

These clubs will likely be used for the promotion of the homosexual lifestyle, and not to promote chastity. The students in these clubs will not hear the Church's teaching on homosexuality. Which teachers will be leading these clubs? The ones that adhere to the Church's teachings on sexuality? The reality is that gay activists have been very patient in seeking to establish a legitimate presence in our schools and they've just hit the jackpot.

Regardless of the framework the bishops develop, the modus operandi of these new clubs will be either the blatant contradiction of, or silence with regards to, Catholic teaching on homosexuality. Catholic schools have a duty to present Catholic teaching in its entirety to our children --- ALL OF IT. Anything less, and the bishops should already know this, is not worthy of the name "Catholic".

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