Jan 23, 2014

OCSB Board Meeting - Jan 28th: Parents ask for Accountability from Trustees

Concerned Catholic Parents of Ottawa will be bringing a delegation to the January 28th board meeting asking for accountability from their trustees. Four months earlier, Parents as First Educators (PAFE) brought a delegation outlining their concerns surrounding the board's partnership with Free the Children. That delegation asked the following three questions:
  1. Does Free the Children teach methods of artificial birth control to any of the people they serve?
  2. Does Free the Children teach that condoms prevent STD and HIV transmission to any of the people they serve?
  3. Does Free the Children's definition of reproductive rights and/or health, as mentioned in numerous Free the Children documents and online media, include access to artificial birth control and/or abortion?
Surprisingly, only half of the third question was answered. This is unacceptable from our elected representatives. Support local parents by attending the Jan 28th meeting and contact your trustees, reminding them they are accountable to the ratepayers that elected them.

Location & Time of Board Meeting:   570 West Hunt Club Road - 7:30 pm


  1. Hello CCPO. Could you please post the address of the Board meeting location with the message above.
    Thank you for the great work you do.

  2. Thank you for your encouragement.

  3. http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/stop-partnering-with-pro-abortion-free-the-children-parents-tell-catholic-s see the pdf here
